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“Biddad” Competition for innovators
“I am the world” association is organizing “Biddad” competition for creative designers. With the technological revolution and the spread of
“Bil Arabi” (In Arabic) competition
“I am the world” NGO is organizing “Bil Arabi” (In Arabic) competition for creative students. With the technological revolution that
landing a helping hand
The August 4 blast hit us all. Like all components of civil society, we started, from day one, to look
Seminar on Self Leadership
Curriculum: An educational approach by Dr. Nassiba Al Mutawa It relies on the how techniques for building a long lasting
Ana Al Alam Brunch
I Am The World held a fundraising breakfast and an Exhibition on Thursday December 8,2016 at Le Bristol Hotel .
Workshop- writing a story
I am the world organized a workshop on writing a story for the students of a public school lead by
Biddad on social media
I am the world organized a social media awareness campaign. it included lots of info graphics aiming to deliver some
Workshop- writing a story
I am the world organized a workshop on writing a story for the students of a public school lead by