“Biddad” Competition for innovators

“I am the world” association is organizing “Biddad” competition for creative designers.

With the technological revolution and the spread of tablets and smartphones, electronic communication media has become the most prevalent in children’s lives; Therefore, it was necessary to employ this medium to reach them.

If you are talented and like to compete, create an animated video that enables the youth to use their mother language in an atmosphere of learning and entertainment.


  • Creating digital educational content in Standard Arabic
  • Enhancing the role of the Arabic language as a language of communication
  • Motivating creative talents and distinguished people

Terms and conditions

  • Participants choose the content of the material and the way it is presented, provided it is entertaining and attractive
  • The competition is directed to designers of any age
  • Target group: Kids and youth
    • From the age of 8 to 10 years
    • From the age of 11 to 13 year
  • Choose from the following categories:
    • Motion Graphics
    • Stop Motion
    • 2D Animation
    • 3D Animation
  • Theme: the video should address any health issue, for example:
    • Healthy food
    • Psychological health
    • Sports
    • Personal Hygiene
  • You can use the following words or phrases:
    • أنماط الحياة
    • البيئة (الماء، الهواء، التلوث، الاوبئة)
    • الوقاية
    • الرعاية، التداوي، العلاج
    • التوعية، نشر المعلومات
    • المرافق (الصحية، الرياضية، المجتمعية، العلاجية)
    • الابحاث
    • المنظمات _منظمة الصحة العالمية، ادارة الغذاء والدواء
  • Standard Arabic is used in full as the official language of the video (submissions that do not use Arabic completely are excluded)
  • The material must be suitable for the specified age group and free from violence or ridicule
  • The participating and winning materials in the competition remain the property of the “I am the world” association, to use them as needed


  • You can participate in the competition alone or in a team of two or three members
  • Each contestant is entitled to be a member of one team
  • Participation in the competition takes place in two stages:
    • Accepting the idea: Team members meet with the jury to present their idea and the manner in which it will be implemented. To participate, please fill in the application form. Application deadline for September 30, 2021. Only the winning ideas move to the next stage
    • Final material: Send the final material to info@iamtheworld.org

Jury and Awards

The work is evaluated by the jury based on the following criteria:

  • Content 30%
  • Creativity 50%
  • Executive Efficiency 20%


  • The first-place winner is awarded a prize of 5 million Lebanese pounds
  • The second-place winner will be awarded a prize of 4 million Lebanese pounds
  • The third-place winner will be awarded a prize of 3 million Lebanese pounds

The winner names and winning videos will be published on our social media platforms.